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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Length of eukaryotic cilia Frog Xenopus tropicalis 6 (±1) µm 105112 Neugebauer JM, Amack JD...
Genome size of coronaviruses Coronavirus spp. 27 to 32 kb 105973 Ruan YJ et al., Comparative...
Specific carbon content Flagellate spp. 96.1 fgC/μm^3 108151 Knut Yngve Borsheim &...
Cell volume Tetrahymena pyriformis (GL) 19500 (±2,865) µm^3 114964 Andrew Rogerson, The...
Specific nitrogen content Flagellate spp. 21 fgN/μm^3 108150 Knut Yngve Borsheim &...
Length of rod-shaped bacterial cells that are too large for feeding by Daphnia magna Crustacean Daphnia magna >6 µm 115629 Young KD. The selective...
Time of divergence between Drosophila species Drosophila spp. ~5.4 D. simulans from D. melan.:0.5 D. sechellia from D. sim: 0.1 to 0.3 D. mauritiana from D. sim Million years ago 106175 Sousa-Neves R, Rosas...
Maximum chlorophyll a (Chla) content Diatoms ~45 μg Chla/l 116825 Kranz SA, Young JN, Hopkinson...
Production & division rate estimates integrated over the water column at the equator in the Pacific Cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus spp. Table - link N/A 113039 Vaulot D, Marie D, Olson RJ...
Number of genes Prochlorococcus ~1,900 genes 111980 Hopkinson BM, Young JN...
C:N:P molar ratios (±std) of cultures of Fungi and Bacteria Microbes Table - link unitless 113035 Céline Mouginot et al....
Size of disk-shaped cells (smallest reported archaea) Archaea Thermodiscus spp. diameter ≥0.2μm: disk-thickness 0.1–0.2μm μm 110071 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Length of bacterial cells selected for predation by Ochromonas Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. <0.9 µm 115728 Young KD. The selective...
Number of rod-shaped bacterial cells in small, filamentous, or stellate chains that survive Ochromonas predation Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. ≤900 cells per chain 115657 Young KD. The selective...
Daughter cell dimensions (eight or more daughter cells are attached to one another to form short filaments) Bacteria Simonsiella spp. with respect to length of the filament 0.5μm - 1.3μm: width 1.9μm to 6.4μm μm 115599 Young KD. The selective...
Wingspan of Meganeura spp., extinct flying insects ~3 times the size of the largest flying insects today Insect >65 - 71 cm 113319 Smith et al., Body size...
Number of ribosomes Tetrahymena thermophila Log phase 108×10^6: Stationary (starved) 40×10^6 ribosomes/cell 114959 Calzone FJ, Stathopoulos VA...
Half-life of CR-actin in epithelial keratocytes Goldfish Carassius spp. 3.8 (±1) min 109824 Theriot JA, Mitchison...
Number of protein coding genes Coronavirus spp. 23 Unitless 105974 Ruan YJ et al., Comparative...
Experimentally inferred neutral mutation rate Drosophila spp. 3.46х10^-9 1/bp/generation 108233 Obbard DJ, Maclennan J...